Saturday, May 30, 2009


God is honoring my hearts desires and guiding me through so many things, and for that I have to say 'thank God'. This weekend I went to a retreat called Cleansing Streams which is a deliverance ministry which is actually more of a sanctification process. Some of the topics we discussed and healed for were: rejection, guilt/shame/condemnation, purity, death and fear. For someone, who hasn't experienced this retreat, it could sound like a self-help seminar and it sort of was, but from a Godly standpoint. Sometimes we carry around bags of garbage from things that have happened to us, around us or even before us (generationally) and it keeps us from living the life that God intended for his children. I like to think I'm perfect, but the obvious answer is that nobody is perfect expect the author of perfection and when he wrote out my story, he intended me to be like him and made me in his image. The topics we discussed were not good fruits in my life, but rotting/stinky/molding fruit that Satan used against me. After this weekend I feel like so much weight has been lifted in my life, I definately tried to carry a (heavy) bag of garbage that 1. wasn't meant for me to carry and 2. that God paid for when he died on the cross. What a great garbage-man! Its really funny that I now make this connection because over the last year, I have felt like God's been pulling my garbage out and for people to see (many people have heard this), but it wasn't that at all, he was just doing his job and ultimately refining me to become what I'm meant to be, in His image.


Also at the retreat, I was able to share a quick testimony of what God did for me during the retreat but I think it begins with somebody else's testimony. During lunch, I saw this lady who had a baby and I overheard her say she was 3 months old. I'm not usually forward like this, but with everything that happened with Madi, I just had a need to know when her birthday was, so I asked. She was born on March 1, which happened to be the most heart-breaking day of my life. I told the lady that I had found out my daughters heart was no longer beating on that day, and I think I caught her off guard because she didn't really know what to say, BUT I filled the dead-air by telling her how blessed I am for being able to see a baby (pretty much) the same age as Madi would have been, to see her mannerisms and size, and just how precious and beautiful she was. Some more dead-air and awkwardness was present so I said my goodbye and walked away.

We rejoined for the next session which happened to be death, but the speaker said that she was encouraged by this lady's testimony and wanted her to share it. Grace, her husband and daughter (the lady from the paragraph before) were all of a sudden standing in the front. She shared that she had attended cleansing streams last May and at the time she was infertile. After a powerful and freeing weekend, she returned home and finally agreed to seek fertility treatment. A couple weeks later she had a dream where she was handed a baby and she questioned the person who handed her the baby on how it was possible, because she felt no pain and the voice said "the curse over your body has been lifted." She went about with her life and thought nothing of the dream but then after a while she felt God pressing her to remember the dream, and so for kicks she took a pregnancy test and it was positive. She called the doctor to change her fertility appointment to a prenatal appointment and at the appointment found out she was 7 weeks pregnant. Seeing God's hand over the entire situation, she decided to count back 7 weeks on the calendar and sure enough it was the weekend that she had attended Cleansing Streams. Her husband had been gone and when they reunited (after she came home from the retreat), they (unknowingly) made baby Gracella.

I am so encouraged by this story because I know that God can do the same for me and in my life. He knows the desires of my heart are to be a mother and I know in his perfect timing that I will be.

Now to the part that I shared with 200 or so people and I'm now sharing with you, because I write this in faith that God can do this...

When I first decided to begin the Cleansing Streams group and attend the retreat, I was attending so that I could be free of things that were from my past, but the week before I started the classes, I lost Madi. I was aware that God was in the process of refining me because he had been taking out the garbage over the last year. I just thought that God was just honoring my desires, since when I first became pregnant, all I could think about what how I wanted to wait and get the marriage going smoothly and to work through some of the crud in my life, and God was doing that the entire time of my pregnancy. As a church we were supposed to begin fasting 40 days and that would begin a couple days into March, and I was convinced that God was moving me from a season of refinement and restoration, into a season of motherhood. March 1 came and as I questioned "why" and I thought of my obedience in serving God and I became angry because I thought God had been taking me from one season of life to the next. Now God doesn't work in my way of thinking, and I don't fully understand why Madi isn't here now, but I can see the works he's done in my heart and my life because of this. I realize, especially now after attending Cleansing Streams, that God still had more garbage to take out. Again, I'm not perfect, but God is smoothing out the rough edges and restoring me to wholeness. I wanted to be a perfect mother to Madi, and I didn't want her to ever experience the stuff I had experienced, and God knew that, so he took her to a place of perfection. It wasn't until those areas were chipped away that I could be the mother I want to be, and the generational stuff would have been passed down to her and effected her life. God is so gracious to have spared her from my garbage. I told the people at Cleansing Streams, that I hope to be next years testimony and be holding a beautiful (hopefully 3 month old) baby. I believe the Lord will do this, that Luke and I will share a similiar story to Grace and her
husband, but I will continue to seek and praise God even if it doesn't. I won't let discouragement or fear prevent me from living in God's will for me. Where there once was death in my life, now there is life and abudant life!