Wednesday, June 10, 2009

speaking to the Lord

Lord as I sit and wait for you to bring new life into my life, I ask for patience and peace, that I would not become discouraged or fall backwards but that I would keep moving forward, fighting the good fight, everyday. Jesus let me see what it is that you have for me in this season, and Lord that in your time you would allow me to recieve the gift of a baby. Let me not be seeking temporary satisfaction in possessions, but give me strength to be satisfied in you.

Satisfy me Lord
Feed the hunger of my heart
Let me know that you are here
Fill up my cup

Pour your Spirit out oh Lord
Over the empty parts of me
Here is where I find you
In you I'm made complete

Let me seek you in the stillness
or in the chaos of my life
Lord that you would be my comfort
that you'd be my desire

Satisfy me Lord
Feed the hunger of my heart
Let me know that you are here
Fill up my cup

Pour your Spirit out oh Lord
Over the empty parts of me
Here is where I find you
In you I'm made complete

When the burdens are so heavy
and my heart wants to be free
Let me remember
You died to carry them for me just writing to the Lord, I kind of wrote a song. Interesting.