July 21, 2009, copied from my journal to the baby.
Last night I had the craziest dream. Pregnancy dreams can be a bit out there, but I would love for parts of this dream to be true. I had a dream that I was with Grandma Nonna, Grandpa Wayne, and a lady named Mona, who was a friend of Grandma’s when I was a kid. All of a sudden my belly got huge and I felt a lot of movement. I told Nonna to look at my tummy and as she did, we saw two little faces pressing against my stomach. Nonna said we needed to call the Doctor so he could make sure you were both healthy. Then a baby, which I felt was a boy, shot straight up and I could see his face on my upper belly near my rib cage. I tried to push him down because I was worried he was going to push through my skin. When I pushed, I felt feet pop out of where I would deliver a baby. I told Grandma Nonna to look, and she refused, told me that everything was fine. Not believing her, I looked for myself and saw two little feet with purple toenails, which made me think that they had toe nail polish on them. I thought, it’s a girl.
We made it to Doctor Harrington’s office for an ultrasound and when we got there, Doctor Harrington said “This is not what I expected for your next pregnancy.” I about lost it, because I thought he was going to tell me there were no heartbeats. Instead he said “its twins.” And then I woke up.
We made it to Doctor Harrington’s office for an ultrasound and when we got there, Doctor Harrington said “This is not what I expected for your next pregnancy.” I about lost it, because I thought he was going to tell me there were no heartbeats. Instead he said “its twins.” And then I woke up.
When we were pregnant with your sister, Daddy was hoping that she was a twin. We both agreed that we would love to have twins. Hopefully we do, but if there is only one of you, we will love you just as much as we would if there were two.
August 10, 2009 copied from my journal to the babies.
Words can’t even describe how I feel right now. I think I will begin with the beginning of the day and that will unfold most the story of such an eventful day. This morning I was awaken by Grandpa Dave ringing the door bell at a very early 7:20 am. Daddy was in the shower, and I hadn’t planned to get up for another 40 minutes. I had been having dreams, two, that I had a fake pregnancy and one where I had a miscarriage. They were awful and I was hoping that I wouldn’t experience any of this with this pregnancy and/or at my appointment today. I called Grandma Nonna and told her I had my appointment and was getting nervous that I would receive bad news. She prayed for me, and I went along with my morning by going to work.
Daddy and I met at the Doctors office at 10:15am. We were doing a ultrasound first and then meeting with Doctor Harrington. We began the exam and I told the technician that I might cry. As the ultrasound began, before handing the instrument I began asking “Is that twins? Are there two in there?” She responded a little frantically saying “yes, I mean didn’t you know, no I mean yes there are two.” I told her I didn’t know, all that made me think we were having twins was my dream from weeks before. She confirmed by slowing down the shots on the sacks and focusing on the two little babies that were on the screen in front of us. Daddy and I were smiling from ear to ear, I cried, Daddy was so excited he was speechless. What a wonderful surprise.

I called Nonna and she was at her sisters, Auntie Bobbies, getting ready to move her to Montana. Grandpa Scott and Grandma Joyce were there too and as I told Nonna, all I heard was screaming of excitement. Everyone is so incredibly shocked, and completely full of joy. They even commented that it will be nice because they won’t have to fight over one baby since there will be two.
Two…I still can’t believe it. Amazed and blessed is all I can think right now.